Craps Rules: Beginners Guide

Craps Rules

Craps rules are not hard to understand. At the same time, the game has some interesting points, rules, roles, and exceptions. In this article, we will cover those questions with comprehensive answers.

But, before we start talking about Craps, let’s shortly dive into understanding the terminology of the game. It is important because grasping the language of craps enables you to fully engage with the game, making it more enjoyable and potentially more successful.

Table of Contents

Craps Terminology

Understanding the unique vocabulary of craps is crucial for both novice and seasoned players. 

The game’s pace is fast, and being able to keep up with the action, make informed wagers, and effectively communicate with other players and casino staff not only enhances your gaming experience but also increases your chances of success.

Basic Craps Terms

Before you immerse yourself in the exciting world of craps, it’s crucial to acquaint yourself with the fundamental terms used in the game.

ShooterThe shooter is the player who rolls the dice. The role of the shooter rotates among players, giving everyone a chance to roll. The outcome of the game can hinge on the shooter’s role, making this a critical role in craps.
PointThe point refers to the number set by the come-out roll, which is the shooter’s first roll in a new round. The point can be any number from 4 to 10, except 7.
Come-Out RollThis is the shooter’s initial roll. The come-out roll can lead to a win, a loss, or the establishment of a point, depending on the number rolled.
Pass LineThis is a bet predicting that the shooter will roll a 7 or 11 on the come-out roll, or will set a point and roll that point again before rolling a 7.
Don’t Pass LineThis bet is the inverse of the pass line bet. It’s a wager predicting that the shooter will roll a 2, 3, or 12 on the come-out roll, or will set a point and then roll a 7 before rolling that point again.
Field BetA field bet is a one-roll wager that the shooter will roll a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. This bet can be placed at any time and is independent of the pass line and don’t pass line bets.
Proposition BetThese are one-roll bets on a specific outcome, such as the shooter rolling a particular number. Proposition bets are high-risk but can yield high rewards.

Advanced Craps Terminology

As you delve deeper into the game of craps, you’ll encounter more intricate terminology.

BoxpersonThis is a casino employee who oversees the craps table. They manage money transactions, supervise the dealers, and resolve any disputes that may occur during the game.
StickmanThe stickman is another casino employee at the craps table. They manage the dice and announce the results of each roll. They also promote proposition bets.
Base DealerTwo base dealers are stationed on either side of the boxperson. They handle the placement, payment, and removal of bets.

Craps Table: sections and layout

Each section of the craps table holds a specific function, representing various betting options. The pass line and don’t pass line areas are where players wager on the shooter’s come-out roll outcome. The field bet area is designated for bets on the next number rolled to fall within a specified range, whereas the come and don’t come areas are for betting on rolls post the come-out roll.

The center section, home to proposition bets, allows players to wager on specific outcomes, such as the roll resulting in a particular number or a pair. The place bet areas enable players to bet on a specific number being rolled prior to a seven.

Comprehending the function and significance of each section is vital for players to make informed betting decisions and to keep track of the game’s progress.

Read Also: What is a Craps Game?

The Roles of the Dealer, Boxperson, and Other Casino Staff at the Craps Table

Typically, four casino employees staff the craps table: two dealers, a stickman, and a boxperson. 

Each of them plays a specific role in the game:

The dealers’ responsibilities include paying out winning bets, collecting losing ones, making changes, selling chips, and often assisting players with game-related queries.

The stickman controls the game’s tempo. They use a long stick, or ‘mop’, to deliver the dice to the shooter, announce each roll’s result, and collect the dice post-roll. The stickman also manages the proposition bets in the table’s center.

The boxperson, seated behind the chip bank, supervises the entire game, oversees the dealers, and resolves any arising disputes. They vigilantly monitor the game to ensure adherence to all rules and accurate payouts.

So, now it will be easier to understand Craps rules. Let’s go!

Understanding these roles enhances beginners' ability to navigate the game and interact appropriately with casino staff. It also enriches the overall game experience, as each staff member contributes to the unique ambiance and thrill of the craps table.

Craps Rules: What You have to Know about Game

The goal of craps is to accurately predict the outcome of a dice roll. Once the point is established, the shooter continues to roll until they either roll the point number again, resulting in a Pass Line bet win or roll a 7, which leads to a loss for Pass Line bets. 

The round concludes after the shooter sevens out, and the dice pass to the next player.

Shooter's Role and Responsibilities

The shooter in craps is the player who rolls the dice. This role rotates among the players in a clockwise direction once the current shooter rolls a seven, also known as ‘sevens out’. 

The shooter’s main duty is to ensure that the dice reach the far end of the table, a rule enforced to maintain fair play. 

The shooter must handle the dice with one hand and is prohibited from taking the dice beyond the table’s edge.

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Initiating the Game: The Come-Out Roll and Point Establishment

The craps game commences with the come-out roll, the shooter’s initial dice roll. If the come-out roll results in a 7 or 11, all Pass Line bets win, and Don’t Pass bets lose. 

A roll of 2, 3, or 12 is termed “crapping out,” causing Pass Line bets to lose. 

Any other number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) establishes the point. The dealer then moves an ‘on’ button to the point number, marking the round’s second phase.

Winning and Losing Scenarios Explained

There are multiple ways to win or lose in craps, contingent on the type of bet placed. 

For example, with a Pass Line bet, you win if the come-out roll is a 7 or 11 and lose if it’s a 2, 3, or 12. If the point is established, you win if the point number is rolled again before a 7. 

Conversely, with a Don’t Pass bet, you win if the come-out roll is a 2 or 3, push (no win, no loss) if it’s a 12, and lose if it’s a 7 or 11. If the point is established, you win if a 7 is rolled before the point number.

Betting Rules

Betting in craps is intricate, offering a range of bets. The most fundamental are Pass Line and Don’t Pass bets, placed before the come-out roll. 

Come and Don’t Come bets are similar but placed after the point is established. Single-roll bets, multi-roll bets, and proposition bets each have their own rules and payouts. Understanding these bets and their respective rules is crucial for effective play.

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The Etiquette and Manners at the Craps Table

In every social milieu, there exist unwritten rules and etiquette, and the craps table is no exception. 

For instance, it is frowned upon to toss the dice too forcefully or to fail to hit the table’s back wall. Players should also abstain from uttering the word “seven” aloud, as it is deemed unlucky. 

Additionally, it is considered courteous to tip the dealers, especially after a substantial win. These etiquette norms ensure the game’s seamless progression while enhancing the overall enjoyment of the experience.

Special Rules, Exceptions, and Unique Scenarios

Craps is a game replete with special rules and exceptions. For example, some casinos may allow a shooter to set the dice to a specific starting configuration before rolling. 

Some bets, like the odds bet, have no house edge, a unique scenario in casino games.

The rules can slightly vary between different craps versions, like street craps or online craps. Therefore, it's essential to familiarize yourself with any specific rules before playing.

Essential Tips and Advice for New Players

Craps can appear daunting to beginners due to its swift pace and the multitude of bets available. However, with a few critical tips, new players can quickly become proficient at the game. 

Firstly, it’s vital to comprehend the basic rules and betting options before engaging in a game. Start with straightforward bets like the Pass Line bet before progressing to more intricate ones.

Another useful tip for new players is to observe several rounds of the game before joining in. This strategy will help you grasp the game’s pace and provide a sense of the table dynamics. 

Setting your financial limit for your gaming session and adhering to it is a fundamental aspect of responsible gambling.

Read Also: How to Play Craps: from very beginning to first exciting game

Lastly, remember that craps is a game of chance, and the primary objective should be to enjoy the experience.

Proper Conduct and Etiquette at the Craps Table

Craps has a unique set of etiquette rules that players are expected to adhere to. These unspoken rules ensure a seamless, enjoyable gaming experience for all participants. A fundamental rule is to respect the personal space of the shooter and refrain from interfering with their throw. 

Deemed polite to place your bets when the dice are centered on the table, not when the shooter is preparing to throw.

Another significant etiquette rule is to manipulate the dice with one hand only when it’s your turn to shoot. This rule is enforced to eliminate any potential for cheating. 

Additionally, players should avoid making late bets as it can disrupt the rhythm of the game. Remember, maintaining a friendly and respectful demeanor towards the dealer, the boxperson, and fellow players fosters a positive gaming atmosphere.

Read Also: How Did Craps Get Its Name?

Essential Tips and Advice for New Players

Craps can appear daunting to beginners due to its swift pace and the multitude of bets available. However, with a few critical tips, new players can quickly become proficient at the game. Firstly, it’s vital to comprehend the basic rules and betting options before engaging in a game. Start with straightforward bets like the Pass Line bet before progressing to more intricate ones.

Another useful tip for new players is to observe several rounds of the game before joining in. This strategy will help you grasp the game’s pace and provide a sense of the table dynamics. Moreover, setting a financial limit for your gaming session and adhering to it is a fundamental aspect of responsible gambling. Lastly, remember that craps is a game of chance, and the primary objective should be to enjoy the experience.

Final Thoughts

We dissected the rules of craps, detailing the role and responsibilities of the shooter, the process of the come-out roll and establishing the point, and the winning conditions of the game. Furthermore, we outlined the comprehensive rules for betting, including special rules, exceptions, and unique scenarios.

We have clarified the complex terminology of craps, from basic terms like ‘shooter’ and ‘point’, to more advanced terms such as ‘boxperson’ and ‘stickman’.

Whether you’re a seasoned gambler or a novice, craps offer a unique and exciting experience that is well worth exploring. So why not give it a try? After all, in the world of craps, anything can happen with the roll of the dice.

The basic rules of craps involve players taking turns rolling two dice. Bets are placed on various outcomes, such as the total value of the dice or specific combinations. The shooter must make a “come-out roll” to start the game.

Craps progress through a series of rounds. Each round begins with a come-out roll, where the shooter attempts to establish a “point” by rolling a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10. Players then bet on whether the shooter will roll the point again before rolling a 7.

The shooter is the player who rolls the dice in craps. Their objective is to roll a winning combination and establish a point. The shooter continues rolling until they either make the point or roll a 7.

The come-out roll is crucial in craps as it determines the initial outcome of the game. It establishes whether the shooter wins, loses, or continues rolling to establish a point.

Don’t pass line bets are the opposite of pass line bets. They win if the come-out roll is a 2 or 3, lose if it’s a 7 or 11, and tie (or push) if it’s a 12. After the point is established, they win if a 7 is rolled before the point.