7 Best Craps Strategies in 2024

Craps Strategies

Despite craps being fundamentally a game of chance, the utilization of well-considered craps strategies can considerably sway the game’s outcome. 

By adopting effective strategies, players can diminish the house edge, boosting their profit potential. To put it simply, a sound strategy can mark the difference between a triumphant session and a losing one.

The article will provide a synopsis of popular craps strategies, a comprehensive analysis of each strategy, expert viewpoints on craps strategies, and practical advice for executing these strategies.

Table of Contents

Is Strategy in Craps Important?

Craps strategies serve as critical tools that can significantly elevate your gaming experience and augment your odds of winning. 

A well-crafted strategy can provide a systematic approach to the game, facilitating informed decisions that could potentially tilt the balance in your favor.

Strategies Help To Enhance Your Game And Boosting Winning Odds

Implementing craps strategies can remarkably refine your overall gaming experience and potentially amplify your winning probabilities. For instance, these strategies can assist in effective bankroll management, enabling you to extend your playtime and opportunities to win. 

They also offer a blueprint for making betting decisions, mitigating the risk of impulsive, uninformed bets.

Specific strategies can help you leverage the game’s structure to your benefit. For instance, the Martingale strategy, which involves doubling your bet after each loss, can aid you in recovering your losses when you eventually win. Although this strategy necessitates a substantial bankroll, it exemplifies how a strategic approach can potentially optimize your game.

Luck vs Strategy In Craps: Striking The Right Balance

Luck can indeed sway the outcome of a single roll, but over multiple rolls, a well-implemented strategy can make a substantial difference.

It’s crucial to keep a balanced viewpoint. Over-reliance on strategy, disregarding the element of luck, can lead to overconfidence and reckless betting. 

Conversely, depending solely on luck without a strategic approach can result in erratic betting and swift depletion of your bankroll. The key lies in striking a balance and using strategy to steer your betting decisions while recognizing the role of luck in determining the game’s outcome.

Debunking of 2 Common Misconceptions About Craps Strategies

Several misconceptions about craps’ strategies can misguide players. One prevalent myth is that strategies can assure a win. This is unequivocally false. No strategy can guarantee a win in craps, as the game fundamentally hinges on random dice rolls.

Another fallacy is that strategies are overly complex for beginners. While some strategies incorporate intricate betting systems, many are simple and easy to comprehend. For instance, the Pass Line bet is one of the simplest and most effective strategies for beginners.

Read Also: What is a Craps Game?

7 best Craps Strategies

Craps, a quintessential game of chance, can be made more favorable with the application of strategic methods. This section provides an in-depth exploration of some of the most widely-used craps strategies, explaining their mechanics and evaluating their effectiveness.

Strategy 1: The Martingale System

The Martingale System, a betting strategy with roots in 18th-century France, is one of the oldest of its kind. 

This negative progression system advocates for doubling your bet after each loss, with the objective of recouping previous losses upon winning. Despite the potential risk due to the exponential growth of bets, it can prove effective in the short term. 

However, it necessitates a substantial bankroll and the readiness to stake large amounts following a losing streak.

Strategy 2: The Iron Cross Strategy

Renowned for its wide coverage of all but three possible outcomes in a roll, the Iron Cross Strategy offers a high likelihood of winning. 

This strategy involves placing bets on 5, 6, 8, and the field, guaranteeing a win on any roll except 7. While it can yield frequent wins, the house edge escalates when a 7 is rolled, which is the most probable outcome in craps.

Strategy 3: The Parity Hedge System

The Parity Hedge System, often referred to as the “holy grail” of craps strategies, is shrouded in mystery. This strategy allegedly involves a complex array of bets that result in either a break-even scenario or a considerable win. 

Despite its allure, its effectiveness is debatable as it is predicated on the flawed assumption of dice control and demands a substantial bankroll.

Strategy 4: The 5-Count Craps Strategy

The 5-Count strategy, a method devised by gambling connoisseur Frank Scoblete, aims to mitigate the house edge. 

This strategy entails counting the dice rolls until a specific pattern emerges before placing a bet. It is designed to identify hot shooters, requiring patience and discipline. 

While it may not necessarily increase your winning odds, it can assist in managing your bankroll effectively.

Strategy 5: The Fibonacci System

The Fibonacci system, a negative progression betting strategy, is based on the Fibonacci sequence – a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. 

In craps, this strategy involves incrementing your bet following a loss according to the Fibonacci sequence. 

While it can prove effective in the short run, it can result in significant losses during a losing streak.

Strategy 6: Pass and Come Bets

Pass and Come bets, the fundamental bets in craps with the lowest house edge, play a crucial role in the game. 

A Pass bet is a wager on the shooter to win, while a Come bet can be placed after the point is established. These bets are ideal for beginners due to their simplicity and favorable odds.

Strategy 7: Place Bets

Place bets are wagers on a specific number to be rolled before a 7. They offer more control to the player as they can be made, removed, or reduced at any time. 

Despite their higher house edge compared to pass-and-come bets, they remain popular due to their flexibility and potential for high payouts.

Read Also: How Did Craps Get Its Name?

craps game table

Craps Strategy for Beginners and Advanced Players

We can identify strategies that may be more suitable for beginners versus those better suited for advanced players.

Strategies for Beginners

Pass and Come Bets

These are straightforward bets that take advantage of the fundamental mechanics of the game without involving complex betting patterns. 

Beginners can easily understand and implement these bets, especially when shooters are consistent.

Iron Cross Strategy

Placing bets on 5, 6, 8, and the field provides broad coverage of numbers, which can be appealing to beginners seeking a strategy that covers multiple outcomes. 

It’s relatively simple to understand and execute.

Parity Hedge System

Hedge betting on both the pass line and don’t pass line can help beginners reduce their overall risk, as it provides a form of insurance against certain outcomes. 

While it may require a bit more understanding of the game’s mechanics, it’s still manageable for beginners.

Read Also: Craps Rules: Beginners Guide

Strategies for Advanced Players

Martingale System

Advanced players may appreciate the potential for quick recovery offered by the Martingale System, but they must understand the significant risks involved. 

It requires careful bankroll management and the ability to withstand potentially large losses.

Fibonacci System

This system’s reliance on the Fibonacci sequence for betting progression requires patience and discipline, making it better suited for advanced players who have a deeper understanding of betting strategies and can exercise restraint.

5-Count Craps Strategy

Waiting for five non-7 rolls before betting requires a more nuanced understanding of the game and the ability to assess shooter performance. 

Advanced players may appreciate the filtering mechanism it provides, allowing them to make more informed betting decisions.

Regardless of skill level, all players should exercise caution and responsible bankroll management when implementing any craps strategy.

So, which Strategy is Suitable for You?

Have a look at our table: we provide a short description of each strategy. We are sure that the table will help you to find the best strategy for you.

StrategyMechanismsProsConsMost Effective Situations
Martingale SystemDouble bet after lossPotential for quick recoveryHigh risk of large lossesShort-term play with small bankrolls
Iron Cross StrategyPlace bets on 5, 6, 8, and fieldCovers multiple numbersVulnerable to 7-outWhen shooters are hitting non-7 numbers frequently
Parity Hedge SystemHedge pass line with Don’t Pass and vice versaReduces risk on individual betsReduces potential winningsTo minimize losses in a choppy game
5-Count Craps StrategyWait for 5 non-7 rolls before bettingFilters out bad shootersReduces betting frequencyIn games with unpredictable shooters
Fibonacci SystemBet according to Fibonacci sequenceSlow progression of betsRequires patience and disciplineWhen seeking a more gradual betting progression
Pass and Come BetsBet on pass line and follow with come betsTakes advantage of favorable oddsRequires shooter consistencyWhen shooters are on a hot streak
Place BetsBet on specific numbersHigher payouts for individual rollsVulnerable to 7-outWhen betting on specific numbers feels advantageous

Expert Insights on Craps Strategies

The realm of craps is teeming with professional players and experts whose vast knowledge and experience offer invaluable insights into the efficacy of various strategies. 

In this section we describe their favored strategies, opinions on different methodologies, and tactics employed in high-stakes craps tournaments.

Preferred Strategies from Professional Craps Players

Conversations with professional craps players uncover a multitude of favored strategies. For instance, Dominic “The Dice Dominator” LoRiggio, a celebrated craps player recognized for his exceptional dice control skills, staunchly advocates the Controlled Shooting strategy. 

He posits that mastering the art of dice control can significantly sway the game’s outcome in one’s favor.

Conversely, Stanford Wong, a renowned gambling author, champions the Wong Method. This strategy involves making a Don’t Pass bet, laying odds, and then waiting for a point to be established. Upon establishing a point, he places a Come bet.

These contrasting strategies underscore the diverse range of successful approaches in craps.

Steve Forte, a distinguished gambling expert, asserts that the most effective strategy is one that minimizes the house edge, such as the Pass Line and Come bets.

Statisticians, in contrast, frequently underscore the importance of comprehending dice probabilities. Dr. Michael Shackleford, a mathematician and actuary, contends that the optimal strategy involves placing bets with the lowest house edge, such as the Don’t Pass and Don’t Come bets with odds.

Read Also: How to Play Craps: from very beginning to first exciting game

Practical Tips for Implementing Craps Strategies

Mastering the game of craps necessitates regular practice of its strategies. Begin by gaining a comprehensive understanding of both the rules and the strategies. Online craps simulators offer a risk-free platform to simulate these strategies, providing a realistic gaming experience that aids in comprehending the practical application of each strategy.

Effective Bankroll Management and the Importance of Discipline

Effective bankroll management is crucial in craps. Establish a budget for each gaming session and adhere to it, regardless of your wins or losses. This approach prevents the pitfalls of chasing losses or becoming overly confident during a winning streak. 

Dividing your bankroll into smaller units rather than betting your entire bankroll on a single roll extends your gaming session and enhances your long-term winning prospects.

Discipline is equally vital. Avoid impulsive decisions and remain committed to your chosen strategy, even in the face of occasional losses. Craps is a game of probability, and maintaining consistency is the key to achieving long-term success.

Adjusting Strategies in Response to the Game's Progression

Craps is a dynamic game, with each roll of the dice potentially altering the situation. Therefore, adjusting your strategy in response to the game’s progression is crucial. For example, a winning streak may warrant an increase in your bet size, while a losing streak may suggest a decrease in bet size or a shift to a safer strategy.

Any adjustments should align with your overall game plan and bankroll management strategy. It’s also critical to avoid hasty decisions based on short-term outcomes.

Read Also: When Was Craps Invented?

Experiment with These Strategies Responsibly

We urge you, our esteemed readers, to experiment with these strategies responsibly. Remember that craps, like any other form of gambling, should primarily serve as a source of amusement. Never stake more than you can afford to lose, and always engage in responsible gambling. 

Be aware of the risks involved and recognize when to call it quits. Utilize these strategies as instruments to augment your game, but refrain from depending on them as surefire ways to win. This way you can relish the excitement of the game while mitigating potential losses.

FAQ about the Best Craps Strategy

A successful craps strategy involves understanding the game’s fundamentals, such as pass line and come bets, and leveraging odds bets to reduce the house edge. Additionally, managing your bankroll effectively and staying disciplined with your betting patterns are crucial for long-term success.

Minimize the house edge in craps by focusing on bets with low probabilities, such as pass line and come bets backed with maximum odds. Avoid high-risk bets like the proposition bets, which carry a higher house edge. By sticking to a conservative betting strategy and maximizing odds bets, you can improve your chances of winning.

The Martingale betting system involves doubling your bet after each loss, to recoup losses and make a profit. While the Martingale can be effective in theory, it carries significant risk in practice, as it requires an unlimited bankroll and can result in substantial losses during losing streaks. Therefore, it’s not recommended for long-term success in craps.

Improving dice control in craps requires practice and consistency. Focus on your grip, release, and throw to achieve a consistent outcome with the dice. Additionally, study techniques such as controlled shooting to influence the outcome of the roll. However, keep in mind that dice control is difficult to master and may not significantly impact the game’s outcome.

For beginners, focus on simple bets such as the pass line and come bets, which have lower house edges and are easier to understand. Take advantage of free online resources and tutorials to learn the game’s rules and strategies before playing for real money. Start with small bets to gain experience and gradually increase your stakes as you become more confident.